![]() During the summer, the online magazine Painters Online (www.painters-online.co.uk) has been inviting individuals and art societies to enter a HeptARThlon – an Olympic-themed painting competition. Individuals could select a medium and a theme from the lists below and submit a single artwork, or ‘Go for Gold’ by submitting 7 paintings. A special prize was offered for the art club submitting the best collection covering each medium and theme. Macclesfield Art Group has submitted a group entry, with paintings from 7 of our members, in all 7 media, covering all 7 themes - we await the judging with interest and fingers crossed. The submitted paintings are shown below, and our thanks go to the artists involved.
For further information about the competition, see: Painters-Online HeptARThlon. Entries can be seen at HeptARThlon Entries
![]() On 5th October he will deliver any orders taken and also bring an extensive selection of ready-made frames and mounts as a general cash and carry sale. If he receives sufficient orders he will look at the possibility of future visits. |
Macclesfield Art GroupThe Group provides a focus for artists in the Macclesfield area to develop and share their artistic interests. Archives
November 2024